Message from James Barry re: COVID-19 Advisory for Construction Workplaces in Ontario
UPDATE: March 20, 3:13:56 PM
Collectively, the Construction Employers Council of Ontario (CECCO), Council of Ontario Construction Associations (COCA), Ontario General Contractors Association, and the Provincial Building & Construction Trades Council of Ontario have released a COVID-19 Advisory for Construction Workplaces in Ontario. Please click the link below to read the full advisory:
UPDATE: March 20, 10:24:15 AM
These are complex and challenging times for all businesses including the construction industry. The IBEW Construction Council of Ontario is continuing to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and work with governments and our contractors to ensure our members remain safe.
The federal and provincial governments and employers hold the responsibility and decision-making power for whether job sites remain open and take the advice of medical experts.
Your safety is my number one priority and throughout this difficult time I encourage everyone to follow the government’s recommended guidelines and protocol for safe work practices, including staying home if you are not feeling well.
This is a very fluid situation and can change rapidly. We will continue to work closely with employers and both levels of government, recognizing new announcements are being made daily. While many have the option of working from home, our industry does not have that flexibility or luxury.
This is a very unsettling time for all of us and I will continue to provide updates that may impact our industry as they become available. You can also reach out to your local business manager if you have any questions or concerns in your specific jurisdiction.
Reliable and safe electricity is an essential service and, where required, I know IBEW members will continue to support that service to our communities during these extraordinary times.
Please stay safe and if you’re not feeling well, stay home.
James Barry
Executive Secretary Treasurer
IBEW Construction Council of Ontario