A message from President Braydon Potter
Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to thank the membership for giving me the opportunity to represent you as your President. I promise to serve you to the best of my abilities and make Local 586 the best it can possibly be. This week I had the pleasure of swearing in Local 586’s new officers and Eboard members. I would like to congratulate them for their success and would further like to extend my thanks to everyone that ran in the election and to everyone that took the time to vote in this year’s election. Local 586 is strongest when we have all voices at the table and participating in our Local.
In Solidarity,
Braydon Potter
Braydon Potter – President
John Bourke – Business Manager/ Financial Secretary
Colin Guilas – Vice President
Kurt Metz – Treasurer
Brett MacLean – Recording Secretary
John Harrison – Eboard
Jason Lacombe – Eboard
Brian Lane – Eboard
Kyle Blair – Eboard
Rich Bowie – Eboard
Thomas Daly – Eboard