
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (I.B.E.W) local 586 Ottawa got its charter back in 1927. At that time a group of workers decided the time was right to organize their company to obtain fairer wages and benefits, so they could look after themselves and their families. Since then IBEW local 586 has grown to approximately 1500 members with a contractor base of approximately 170 contractors who are signatory to the I.B.E.W. We welcome new members to be a part of that growth by joining our organizing efforts.

Why Organize Your Contractor?

Its important to remember that the IBEW does not have a single job. We are a hiring hall and training center, that will guarantee your rights and salary. We represent you in all matters pertaining to your employment.

To find out more about unions and union organizing, contact a representative at the IBEW.


James Sheppard – 613-897-3531

(Electrical Division)


Rich Bowie – 613-229-7658

(Communication Division)